Reality Check

About Reality Check

Welcome to Reality Check of St. Lawrence, Jefferson, and Lewis counties! We are dedicated group of youth leaders who work to expose the manipulate marketing tactics used by the tobacco industry to target teens. We educate our community, peers, and policy makers with the goal of mobilizing change that will denormalize tobacco use in our society.

Want To Be Part Of The Movement?

Reality Check is a movement led by 13-18 year olds from across New York State. It’s mission is to reveal the tobacco industry’s manipulative advertisement tactics. Despite a 1988 Master’s Settlement Agreement, Big Tobacco continues to target teens as its replacement smokers and it’s time to change that. The tobacco industry spends over $1.1 million everyday marketing their products in New York State alone; a lot of which goes into creating a new set of customers from the youth of our communities.

It is important to note that Reality Check is NOT anti-smoker. The group works to uncover the lies the industry feeds to young people; it is an attempt to use them as replacements for all of their dying customers. Reality Check works to educate teens, the community, and legislature about Big Tobacco and their attempts to target teens.


  • Increase youth knowledge and involvement about the fight against Big Tobacco
  • Involve and educate the community about the marketing ploys Big Tobacco is  using to reach youth in our community
  • Have media coverage remove tobacco promotion seen by youth
  • Have tobacco imagery removed from all movies rated G, PG, and PG-13
  • Reduce or remove tobacco advertisement in retail locations, especially those frequented by youth

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